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Family Life Blog Posts

Red Generator

February 22, 2022

You never know when a weather emergency will happen and cause you to lose power. Whether it be from ice, tornadoes, or hurricanes, you could potentially find yourself without power for days. When severe weather hits, a generator is very beneficial to have handy. When using gas-powered generators, here are a few things to keep in mind:

A faucet drips water.

February 17, 2022

You probably know how dangerous lead is, especially for children. Even low levels can have long term effects on a child’s development. The most important thing you can do is lessen your exposure or avoid lead exposure altogether.

Coins stacked on a monthly budgeting form.

January 24, 2022

If one of your New Year’s resolutions is to get your finances in order, start with creating a budget. A comprehensive plan for your spending and saving benefits you now and for years to come. 

Think of your budget as a tool to help you plan how you spend your money and track how much you save. Before you sit down to make this plan, you should record your expenses for at least a week to see exactly how you are spending your money. A week will give you some insight; however, the longer you track your spending, the more accurate your budget will be. Try this...

People serve their plates at a buffet-style dinner.

November 23, 2021

If you always find yourself off track in the diet department this time of year, you’re not alone. But if we partake thoughtfully this holiday season, we can still enjoy our favorite things without the guilt.

Closeup of a person cleaning leaves out of a gutter.

November 16, 2021

Take what’s left of this fall to make sure your home is ready for cold weather. Winterizing your home can save you money on your heating bills and help you avoid costly repairs.

A woman sits at a table which displays alternative Halloween treats.

October 11, 2021

Whether you are having a Halloween party with friends, sending treats to school, or trick-or-treating in the neighborhood, with a little creativity, you can find ways to add some healthy options into the mix.

Two girls coloring.

August 19, 2021

With the uptick in COVID-19 cases due to the Delta variant, it’s not uncommon to hear of loved ones and friends who have been infected or who are in quarantine due to exposure. Children, especially, may be confused, worried, and afraid about classmates, friends, and family members who are sick.

A dog lies on the grass in the shade.

July 23, 2021

Heat stress in dogs is just as serious and life-threatening as it is for humans. According to the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), high temperatures can be dangerous for your dogs, even when it doesn’t seem that hot to you. So, I take steps to help make sure my dogs can stay cool when they are outdoors.

A child smiles at the dining table.

July 12, 2021

With my kids out of school for the summer, snacks are an important part of our routine. Check out three of my family's favorite nutritious and filling snacks.

Woman smiling at a table.

June 8, 2021

The kids are out of school, and for some of us, our schedule is a little bit out of routine. As a mom of four, I know how hard it can be to keep those summer bellies full, so I want to share some of my go-to tips to help.

Two dogs sit and look at the camera.

May 28, 2021

Although June 1 marks the beginning of hurricane season, there can be many kinds of environmental disasters. Natural disasters, including straight-line winds, tornadoes, fires, and floods, are all uncontrollable events that can happen at any time. A comprehensive disaster plan along with a disaster kit can help you respond quickly and make it easier to recover from one of these events. But don’t forget your pets! They need a disaster plan and kit, too.

Close up of triangular watermelon slices on a plate.

May 24, 2021

Whether your summers are filled with activities or dedicated to relaxation, these recipes from The Food Factor can help you make meals and snacks a breeze.

A lady stands in a kitchen.

April 12, 2021

Growing up, I was always told that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and it is essential.But all our meals count. Here are a few tips to help you get a nutrient-filled lunch.

Airtight jars of cereal, rice and flour sit in a cupboard.

March 24, 2021

We’ve experienced some spring-like weather, and that may have you thinking about refreshing some areas of your home. When you’re doing your spring cleaning, don’t overlook the kitchen pantry where stored-food pests can thrive.

A pen lies on top of a will.

February 4, 2021

Death isn’t something we like to think about. I personally would rather concentrate on living, but I learned something recently. Almost everyone needs an estate plan and a will. Spending the time and effort it takes to put your wishes in writing and having it legally declared will save your heirs money, time, and heartache.

A woman and man walk for exercise.

January 11, 2021

A new year often signals a new start or reboot, which is a great thing. For many, this means setting health and wellness goals like losing weight, eating healthier, and being more physically active.To be able to achieve your goals and make your resolutions a reality, your goals need to be realistic and measurable.

Graphic of disaster go box checklist

January 5, 2021

The New Year has arrived. Whether or not you make resolutions, putting together a disaster go box will help you be ready for all kinds of emergencies that may require you to leave home in a hurry.

Real Christmas trees piled with curbside garbage

December 18, 2020

If you celebrate with a real tree, you’ll have to decide how to dispose of it once the holiday is over. You have some good options for recycling the tree instead of sending it to the landfill.

A woman stands on the front steps of a home.

December 7, 2020

Because many families are celebrating this holiday season a little differently, we might feel a little stressed. One of the things that helps me stay grounded during this time is physical activity. It’s one of the most important things you can do for your health.

A white mask hanging on Christmas garland.

December 3, 2020

Looking for the top gift to give your loved ones this holiday season? Here’s an idea: a COVID-free celebration! The holidays are normally a time when we open our homes to friends and family and celebrate together. The spread of COVID-19 has caused us all to reimagine the way we enjoy the holidays. 

Just how do you celebrate this time of year, while limiting the spread of COVID-19?? It’s not an easy answer, but here are a few tips to help your holidays be as safe and festive as possible. Please note, this information is based on recommendations from the Centers for Disease...





About Extension for Real Life

Extension for Real Life is a product of the MSU Extension Service’s Office of Agricultural Communications.

That’s a long way of saying we are professional communicators who get to talk about food, families, 4-H, flowers, and farming for a living. Pretty good gig, right?

The three main writers for the blog are Ellen Graves (Seamstress of Social Media Strategy), Susan Collins-Smith (Content Connector) and Keri Lewis (Captain Cat Herder). But we get by with a lot of help from our friends in Ag Comm and Extension!

You can reach us at 662-325-2262 or extreallife@msstate.edu

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